Turks and Caicos
Supernaturally blue waters surround these islands just past the Bahamas.
To do Help catch, tag, and release endangered green turtles with the resort’s naturalist at Amanyara.
Flight 3 hours, from $551

Tim Robbins pined for this Mexican fishing region in The Shawshank Redemption.
To do Pair drama with romance at Capella Ixtapa, a resort with open-air suites and private plunge pools overlooking the Pacific.
Flight 4.75 hours, from $510

St. Lucia
With its green rainforests, silver beaches, and famed volcanic peaks, this spot hits the geography trifecta.
To do The new school Dive Saint Lucia will get you scuba certified in two days and snapping underwater selfies with barrel sponges in three.
Flight 5.5 hours, from $601