If your 2010 workout was, like ours, all about relieving stress, then 2011 is the year to see results. We found three calorie-burning new classes—which our style gurus paired with great gear to keep you motivated.

(Clockwise from bottom) Mondor leg warmers, $16.50, at Free to Be (lower level of All About Dance), 501 W. North Ave.; 312-212-5600, freetobestore.com. Goody bobby slides, $5.29, at Target, 1154 S. Clark St.; 312-212-6300, target.com for other locations. Grishko canvas performance ballet slippers, $26, at Chicago Dance Supply, 5301 N. Clark St.; 773-728-5344, chicagodancesupply.com. Women’s wrap sweater, $28,at Danskin, danskin.com. Leotard, $29.50, and chiffon skirt, $15.50, at Capezio, capeziodance.com. Bodywrappers convertible tights, $15.90, at Russian Pointe Dance Boutique, 333 N. Michigan Ave.; 312-332-7200, russianpointe.com. Nylon gym bag, $17, at American Apparel, 46 E. Walton St.; 312-255-8360, americanapparel.net for other locations.
For the lady who’s tired of lunchtime lunges
Try Keep Fit Ballet at the Joffrey Ballet’s Academy of Dance (10 E. Randolph St.; 312-739-0120, joffrey.org/academy) for Pilates-centric pliés and jetés at an accelerated pace. Cost: $15 for a drop-in class (or $140 for ten classes)
(Clockwise from top left) Groove pant, $98, at Lululemon Athletica, 900 N. Michigan Ave.; 312-951-5923, lululemon.com for other locations. Zen garden yoga mat, $21.98, at Gaiam, gaiam.com. Stride jacket, $108, at Lululemon. Badger yoga and meditation balm, $7.99, at Merz Apothecary, 4716 N. Lincoln Ave.; 773-989-0900, merzapothecary.com. Yogitoes skidless premium towel, $64 for mat size, at Moksha Yoga Center, 700 N. Carpenter St.; 312-942-9642, mokshayoga.com. Peaceful journey water bottle, $21.99, at Sigg, mysigg.com. Power Y tank top, $52, at Lululemon.
For the yogi who wants to burn major calories
Try Yoga Booty Ballet at Indigo Studio (213 W. Institute Pl.; 312-612-9642, theindigostudio.com), a high-powered workout that combines yoga, cardio dance, and ballet strength training. No Enya here—pop, hip-hop, and rock accompany the challenging class. Cost: $18 for a drop-in class (or $150 for a month of unlimited Indigo classes)
krav maga
(Clockwise from top) Nike pro hyperwarm women’s shirt, $50, at Niketown, 669 N. Michigan Ave.; 312-642-6363, nike.com for other locations. Nike pro combat core women’s capris, $35, at nike.com. Tepper Jackson cotton towel, $40, at tepperjacksononline.com. Adidas by Stella McCartney women’s sport bag, $140, at Adidas Sport Performance, 845 N. Michigan Ave.; 312-867-1640, shopadidas.com. Krav Maga elastic hand wraps, $11.95, at Revgear, revgear.com.Slipless headband, $12, at Lululemon.
For the cardio regular who aims to kick it up a notch
Try Krav Maga Foundation at POW! Mixed Martial Arts (950 W. Washington Blvd.; 312-829-7699, powkickboxing.com). A prereq for police and Secret Service agents, Krav Maga perfects kicks and punches with reality-based drills. Cost: $145 for eight weeks (or $110 for a month of unlimited POW! classes)
Photography: Courtesy of vendors