Photograph: Courtesy of Neapolitan
Beauty Concierge
Picture this: You’re jetting off in a couple days for a well-needed beach vacation and call your aesthetician for a quickie wax appointment. Too late; her next available time slot is in two Tuesdays. Do you, A) Conduct a frantic Google search and call every waxer within a five-mile radius; B) Wing it with a walk-in appointment down the street, trusting your nether regions to whomever is available; or C) Let your own personal beauty assistant book an appointment for you at one of the city’s top spas within five minutes? Answer: PrettyQuick.com (that would be C).
Wishing for a way to find vetted beauty providers on the fly, PrettyQuick’s founder Coco Meers created a mobile beauty app that matches users with available nearby spas and salons in real time. The 70-plus beauty providers in the database—such as Marianne Strokirk Salons (mariannestrokirk.com) in the Gold Coast, Salon 1800 (salon1800.com) in Lincoln Park, and Allyu Spa (allyuspa.com) in River North—are all hand-picked by Meers and her team.
Meet and mingle with the PrettyQuick team on March 19 at Goran Coban Salon (15 W. Hubbard St., 2nd Floor, 312-955-0499, gorancoban.com) from 6 to 8 p.m. Local boutiques Milk Handmade and Veruca Salt will be displaying spring fashions while guests are treated to cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and music. Click here to RSVP to the free event.
Top Sales This Week
Last week, Bravo premiered Dukes of Melrose, its latest fashion docu-series about L.A.-based designer consignment boutique Decades (decadesinc.com). The store’s owners, Cameron Silver and Christos Garkinos, are coming to Chicago this weekend and bringing trunkloads of designer wears for a pop-up sale at Space519 (900 N. Michigan Ave., 5th Floor, 312-751-1519, space519.com). Shop Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Silver will sign copies of Decades: A Century of Fashion from 10 a.m. to noon) and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. This is Decades’ sixth event in Chicago, and for the first time the sale will also include men’s fashion.
Jewelry line Objets d’Envy (objetsdenvy.com) holds its first “warehouse” sale this weekend at Flourish Studios (3020 N. Lincoln Ave., 773-281-8140, icanflourish.com). On Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., baubles will be marked 25, 50, or 75 percent off, and there will even be a selection bargain-priced at $5. The store is partnering with the new charity The Accessories Project, so bring an accessory to donate and you’ll receive a free Objets gift. RSVP to kirsten@objetsdenvy.com.
The Best of the Rest
- Meet Chicago-born Wes Gordon—whose creations have caught the eye of First Lady Michelle Obama—and preview his fall 2013 line today until 6 p.m. at Neapolitan Collection (715 Elm St., Winnetka, 847-441-7784, neapolitanonline.com).
- The Denim Lounge (2039 W. Roscoe St., 773-935-2820, thedenimlounge.com) holds its fourth-annual Girls’ Night Out event Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. Everything in the store will be 20 percent off during the event, plus guests will be treated to a wine tasting, free facial airbrush tans on-site, and trunk shows from Aviva Rose Jewelry (avivarosejewelry.com) and denim line Henry & Belle (shophenryandbelle.com). Space is limited, so RSVP to info@thedenimlounge.com.
- Be the first to place orders on the spring and early summer collection from Theory (theory.com) with a trunk show and champagne reception at Saks Fifth Avenue (700 N. Michigan Ave., 5th Floor, 312-799-5345, saksfifthavenue.com) on Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m.
- French contemporary furniture showroom Ligne Roset (440 N. Wells St., 312-222-9300, ligne-roset-usa.com) holds its annual in-store warehouse sale this weekend. Furniture, accessories, rugs, and more will be marked 30 to 60 percent below retail. Check out the deals Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 pm, and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.
- Lifestyle architect Jay Michael will be at Bloomingdale’s (600 N. Wabash, level 3; 312-324-7500, bloomingdales.com) on Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. dishing out insider tips and helping shoppers spark inspiration for their spring redecorating.
- Luxury Garage Sale (1658 N. Wells St., 312-291-9126, luxurygaragesale.com) is hosting a spring shopping event on April 3 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Along with merchandise credit, shoppers will be pampered with nail art applications by Astrowifey (astrowifey.wordpress.com), hair touch-ups from Blowtique (blowtique.com), and personal styling sessions with Eric Himel (erichimel.com). Tickets sales end March 18, so grab yours here.