Now that presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has chosen Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, politics are heating up more than ever. Now the big question is: what does this mean for the path to your decorating scheme? We in the design world always say a throw pillow is an easy way to change up your look for the season, so here are some ideas for a little partisan style during campaign season. The JFK Presidential Library has a few options available—on both sides of the aisle. These hand-hooked pillows, available with both a donkey and an elephant, are wool on the front with a velvet backing ($68 each). Meanwhile, if you're apolitical, moderate, or just plain indecisive, the Washington D.C.-based company Naked Decor offers a centaur-esque, half-donkey-half-elephant option for those with less of an opinion who still want to be patriotic. We’re also loving the more diplomatic “VOTE” pillow. Both are available online for $49.95.