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Back row, from left: Callie Janet, PA-C; Neil Gupta, MD; Nikhil Shastri, MD; Sharon Meyer, APN; Allen Rosenbaum, MD; Aashesh Verma, MD. Front row, from left: Jessica Figueroa, PA-C; Sarah Bush, PA-C; Steven Hendler, MD; Zuie Wakade, DO; Krishna Patel, DO; Abdul Haseeb, MD, MPH; Alizabeth Van Wieren, PA-C, RD; Mukund Venu, MD; Amar S. Naik, MD.Photograph: Francis Son

Midwest Digestive Health & Nutrition

Comprehensive Gastroenterology Care, Endoscopy, Infusion Therapies

At Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition (MDHN), we focus on comprehensive digestive health and wellness with efficient, patient-centered comprehensive care. Our experienced team has worked together for years building a nationally recognized academic digestive health program and comprises of highly experienced leaders, educators, and researchers in the field of complex digestive health disorders.

We would like to congratulate our partners who were recognized as Castle Connolly Top Doctors.

Our awarded physicians include: Castle Connolly Top Doctors: Neil Gupta, MD; Abdul Haseeb, MD, MPH; Steven Hendler, MD; Amar Naik, MD; Nikhil Shastri, MD; Mukund Venu, MD; and Castle Connolly Rising Star Krishna Patel, DO.

In addition to performing high-quality colon cancer screening and management of general gastroenterology conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux (GERD), and constipation, our team has subspecialized expertise within digestive health.

Neil Gupta, MD, with expertise in GERD, Barrett's esophagus and pancreas disorders
Abdul Haseeb, MD, MPH, with expertise in interventional endoscopy and pancreatobiliary disorders
Steven Hendler, MD, with expertise in hereditary GI cancer syndromes and general gastroenterology
Amar Naik, MD, with expertise in inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
Krishna Patel, DO, with expertise in inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and women’s health
Nikhil Shastri, MD, with expertise in early GI cancer resection, complex polypectomy, and therapeutic endoscopy.
Mukund Venu, MD, with expertise in GI motility disorders, swallowing problems and GERD

We believe in team-based, digital health care delivery with on-demand advanced specialty care out of the hospital and in your home. We are accepting new patients. Appointments can be made via our website at www.MDHNGI.com or via phone. Together we can start the path towards optimizing your digestive health and wellness.


900 Rand Rd., Ste. 120, Des Plaines, IL 60016

950 North York Rd., Ste. 101, Hinsdale, IL 60521
