Photo: John Berens/Courtesy of the artist Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
Stream in the Grid, by Gabriel Orozco
Top 5 Shows
1. Josiah McElheny at the Arts Club of Chicago
Neither a typical fashion show nor an art exhibit, McElheny’s much-anticipated show features live models clad in high-fashion pieces perched among midcentury-modern furnishings. Through Dec. 13
2. Elijah Burgher at Western Exhibitions
Burgher, known for his playful take on secret sexual incantations, sketches sigils, or sex symbols, into refined color-pencil drawings. Opening Oct. 25
3. Suicide Narcissus at the Renaissance Society
The age-old tale of Narcissus is refreshed with themes that reflect current global crises such as climate change. Through Dec. 15
4. The Way of the Shovel: Art as Archaeology at the MCA
If the art world had its own History Channel, its program surveying the early 2000s might look something like this exhibit including work by Gabriel Orozco (see above). Opening Nov. 15
5. Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle and Rashid Johnson at Monique Meloche gallery
Both Manglano-Ovalle and Johnson make bold political statements here; Manglano-Ovalle shows a to-scale replica (27 feet long) of a drone airplane’s wing. Through Nov. 9
NEXT: Chicago’s next art star, best public art,
buzzword of the moment, and more »
More in Fall Previews:
Comedy: Nick Offerman | Art: Insiders’ Guide | Art: Michelle Grabner
Theatre: Insiders’ Guide | Theatre: David Cromer | Music: Insiders’ Guide
Music: Numero Group | Music: Top 10 Shows | Classics: Blue-Chip Artists
Chicago’s Next Art Star

Photography: (Chitty) Alex Chitty, Hybiscus, 2012/Courtesy of artist and Andrew Rafacz Gallery; (Taylor) Garland Martin Taylor, Generosity: Work in Progress, 2013; (Reames) Josh Reames, Land Grab, 2013; (Lotfi) Nazafarin Lotfi, Untitled, 2013
1. Generosity: Work in Progress, 2013 by Garland Martin Taylor; 2. Hybiscus, 2012 by Alex Chitty; 3. Land Grab, 2013 by Josh Reames; 4. Untitled, 2013 by Nazafarin Lotfi
1. Alex Chitty
2. Wolfie E. Rawk
3. Garland Taylor
4. Josh Reames
5. Nazafarin Lotfi
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Best Public Art
1. Monument with Standing Beast by Dubuffet (above)
2. Banksy on Randolph and Peoria Streets
3. Claes Oldenburg’s Batcolumn
4. The furling flags marking out Paseo Boricua on Division Street
5. A Time to Unite at 41st Street and Drexel Avenue
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Buzzword of the Moment
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______________________________ is the new black.
“Black art”
“Gay marriage”
“Ethnic chic”
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Which Gallery District Do You Prefer?
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What Is the Best Local Art Fair?
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Other Bests
Photo: (Ono) Gero Breloer/AP
Best artist to follow on twitter = Yoko Ono
Best bar to meet artists = Rainbo Club
Best thing to wear to an art opening = “Anything but black and beards.”
Respondents: Ellen Alderman, Brandon Alvendia, Daniel Baird, Carl Baratta, Naomi Beckwith, Karolina Gnatowski, Gurl Don’t Be Dumb, Greg Harris with Alison Kleiman, Cody Hudson, Scott Hunter, Industry of the Ordinary, Anna Kunz, Cortney Lederer, David Leggett, JosÉ Lerma, Patric McCoy, Monique Meloche, Forrest Nash, Lauren Pacheco, Scott Reeder, Scott Speh, Shannon Stratton, Tricia Van Eck (NOT EVERY RESPONDENT ANSWERED EVERY QUESTION)
More in Fall Previews:
Comedy: Nick Offerman | Art: Insiders’ Guide | Art: Michelle Grabner
Theatre: Insiders’ Guide | Theatre: David Cromer | Music: Insiders’ Guide
Music: Numero Group | Music: Top 10 Shows | Classics: Blue-Chip Artists