If you’re pining for reflective room accessories this holiday season, the new and affordable shape mirrors from Graham & Brown are a great option. These recent additions are shaped like jigsaw puzzle pieces, cancan dancers, and fluttering butterflies—all creatively cut for a distinctive look. I’d buy three (at only $29.99 a piece) and hang them vertically in a child’s room, or position a few flapping butterflies along a living room wall. Graham & Brown specializes in the manufacturing of luxurious wallpaper and a collection of wall art accessories, including contemporary canvas art ($40-140), digital murals ($75), and delicate etched mirrors ($130). If an empty wall has you stumped, consider including items like these to dress up the mundane and add a dash of creativity to every room. If you’re like me, new home accessories are a surefire way to brighten the holiday season—or any season, for that matter.