SLATED: Lake Forest Antiques Show, benefiting the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago, Sept. 9; lakeforestantiquesale.com . . . Hinsdale Antiques Show and Sale, benefiting Hinsdale’s Community House, Sept. 21-23; thecommunityhouse.org . . . The Golden Triangle (2) (72 W. Hubbard St., 312-755-1266) is having a moving sale through Sept. 27, then relocating to 330 N. Clark St. on Sept. 28; goldentriangle.biz
OPENED: David Sutherland Showroom
(trade only), featuring Hutton Home, Heltzer, Sutherland, and other manufacturers, at 1800 Merchandise Mart, 312-205-7700; davidsutherlandshowroom.com . . . Filsinger Chicago (trade only), featuring classic and contemporary furniture designed by Chicago-based Scott Arthur Yerkey alongside other new and antique pieces handpicked by Yerkey and partner Cary Filsinger, at 1870 Merchandise Mart, 312-245-0404 . . . Tai Ping Carpets (trade only), featuring a new line inspired by 1950s-era Palm Springs and a separate studio in the back featuring the archives of Edward Fields, at 635 Merchandise Mart, 312-644-0400; taipingcarpets.com . . . Market Square Chicago, featuring a variety of home accents and furnishings for design professionals, on the 15th floor of the Mart; marketsquarechicago.com.CLOSED:
White, 226 W. Kinzie St.NOTED:
Carol Stream-based Prairie Arts is reproducing classic Teco pieces (1) in historic hues in its Teco Art Pottery Collection; prairie-arts.com . . . Baker will open a location for the public at 825 W. Chicago Ave. this fall; 312-733-0553; baker.kohlerinteriors.com . . . Elements, a Gold Coast shop known for its upscale tabletop offerings and accessories, is moving to 741 N. Wells St. this fall and opening a coffee bar on site; 312-642-6574; elementschicago.com . . . Hafele, specializing in hardware for furniture, cabinets, closets, and more, is opening at 154 W. Hubbard St.; hafele.com . . . Terrell Goeke, an upscale kitchen showroom (105 Merchandise Mart), has an eco-friendly cabinetry line; terrellgoeke.com . . . The Tile Gallery is relocating to 225 W. Ohio St. this fall in the first phase of a two-part expansion, to be completed next spring; tilegallerychicago.com . . . Valcucine (106 Merchandise Mart) has introduced Artematica Vitrum, a kitchen made almost entirely of recyclable glass, and is launching four new contemporary European furniture lines at its showroom; valcucinechicago.com.
Photography: Leonard Gertz