
Ulysses in Transit
by Alan Gross

Want to take a trip that promises both mystery and romance for only 90 cents? Ride the el.

Collect…And Enjoy!
by Jack Star
There’s always a market for stamps, one expert says. While you’re having fun, you just might turn a tidy profit.

The Plight of the Homeless
by Alfredo S. Lanier
If the moral strength of a community is judged by its compassion toward its neediest members, Chicago’s 25,000 urban nomads provide evidence that our system is failing.

Harold Washington’s Biggest Challenge
by Clarence Page
Can the Democratic nominee win the conservative Northwest and Southwest sides without alienating his natural constituency?

Why Bernie Epton Wants to be Mayor
by Clarence Page
The man who beat out a former clown to head the Republican ticket, today presents a serious challenge to the Democrats.

Why Jane Bryne Lost Round One
by Nick Panagakis
An exit poll taken on February 22nd shows why the Mayor’s support eroded so suddenly.

Sizing up your Investments
by Jon Ziomek
Just when you think you’ve found the perfect place for your money, new instruments become available and the old ones change. Here’s how to re-evaluate your investing strategies.

LaSalle Street, That Trade Street
Jerome Idaszak
Chicago’s growth as a financial center has been phenomenal – and it shows no signs of stopping.



by Henry Hanson
Cardinal Bernardin undeterred on nuclear deterrence; a grassy plot instead of the sea for Tennessee Williams; drama, depression, and delight at election-night headquarters

Books: You Are What You Drive
This history of American cars tell us where we’ve been and where we’re going – at what price and what speed.

Movies: Reluctant Witnesses
by Dave Kehr

Bertrand Tavernier’s characters are changed by what they see and experience – and so are the viewers of his films.

The Goods
by Jamie Gilson
Discover how beautiful small is: romantic little hats, jewelry boxes, miniature works of art, short men.
Audio: Focus on Sound
by Rich Warren
To do it well, choose a microphone that forgives a multitude of sins.

Wine: Dry Whites from an Unsung County
by Patrick W. Fegan
Some surprisingly good Chardonnays from Mendocino
Travel: Cruising Alaska’s Deep Blue Waters
by Jack Star
Relax on a ship’s deck while the magnificent scenery unfolds.
Chicago As It Was: How the City’s Symbols Came to Be

by Perry R. Duis
The explanation of our “I will” lady, the “Y” that divides us, and a flag with no star for Daley

On the Aisle: From the East, Bearing Gifts
by Claudia Cassidy
Balanchine, Nureyev, Baryshnikov – a chosen three who escaped

Sports: Getting Your Kicks Indoors
by Alan Gross
Purists may shudder, but the Chicago Sting hope soccer at the Stadium brings profit and popularity.

Dining on a Budget: Far East Adventure
by Jill and Ron Rohde
The setting may be simple, but our Vietnamese restaurants offer a rich variety of dishes.

Dining on the Town: Very Good Things in Small Packages
by Carla and Allen Kelson
Attention, all serious food people: These two modest storefronts are going to make you happy.

The Best of Chicago: The Car-Catalogue King
by Alan Gross
Whether you’re looking for a then-cent fuse or a $4,000 Jeep body, or just looking. Warshawsky will keep you and your automobile humming.

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