Best of Chicago
From actor to multiplex and on through zoo spot for kids, we take an alphabetical look at the best people, places, and things in Chicago and the suburbs. Once you know your ABC’s – as in “aromatherapy,” “bike trail,” and “cabaret” – city fun becomes a breeze.
The Sisterhood
by Marcia Froelke Coburn
Valerie Jarrett, Desiree Rogers, and Linda Johnson Rice are such good friends – and a high-profile triumvirate of brains, beauty, influence, and clout-heavy connections.
The Age Limit
by Tom Valeo
Think you’ll live past 100, thanks to miracles of modern medicine? Two researches at the U. of C. have bad news: You probably won’t – and you should hope you don’t. But maybe that’s not so bad after all.
At Home: Playing It Straight
by Christine Newman
Architect Laurence Booth says that it doesn’t pay to get too fussy – he can design a stately suburban house, and he can handle a former pesticide factory in the city. And they are low maintenance and built to last.
Heisman hopeful Kurt Kittner and his tough years in Schaumburg; a green bunny and the School of the Art Institute prof who made her that way; spoofing the new Lotto campaign; more
Style Sheet
by Stacy Wallace-Albert
Hats off to haberdashery, on the cuff, slinky sensations
Real Lives
by Marcia Froelke Coburn
Talk about attitude! Bears wide receiver Marcus Robinson is positive, motivated, poised for a memorable season.
Stage & Screen
by Penelope Mesic
At the Theater on the Lake, the productions are proven winners, and the price is right.
Deal Estate
by Dennis Rodkin
A Lake Forest showpiece, Glencoe Gallic, and Chicago goes Gotham
Sullivan’s Travels
by Terry Sullivan
Over at Diner Grill, the true test of manhood is a $7 breakfast called “the Slinger.” Finish it, you even get a certificate.
by David Morrison
Automobile accidents, injuries, and thefts in Illinois have been on the decline for years. So why do our insurance rates keep going up?
Adult Education
by Libby Morse
If the economic good times are passing you by, these classes could help your stock soar.
Dining Out
by Dennis Ray Wheaton
Two ambitious new vinocentric spots bring more than the usual suspects into the wineup.
Expert Witness
by Wendy Tweedale
Marty Lennanrtz, a.k.a. the Regular Guy, offers tips for going to the show.
Chicago Guides
Prime Time
Up for August
Dance for Life, the dance community’s always-uplifting benefit concert at Navy Pier; plus, the Chicago Jazz Festival, with Hyde Park High grad Herbie Hancock
Dinner party
Corner Cooks turns Winnetka on to the joys of an evening with complete strangers. Opening: The rousing flavors of chef Ted Cizma take Naperville by storm at Elaine.