Critics’ Choice 1987
by Carla and Allen Kelson
Our restaurant critics choose their favorites, from rock-steady reliables to a diverse batch of newcomers.
Advice Wars
by Marcia Froelke Coburn
Ann and Abby, Diane and Zazz – the newspapers get serious about who tells us how to behave.
Tony Fitzpatrick and the Slam
by Rick Telander
One tough guy goes the distance at The Green Mill, home of the Kill or Be Killed School of Poetry.
Jesse Madison’s Big Bout
by Basil Talbott, Jr.
Harold Washington’s man in the park district once had to break into his own office. Whose will he break into next?
Fashion: Color in Motion
by Donna Frost and Laury Gallant
Kinetic new coats are an exercise in grand style.
Goods: Gadget Magic
by Joanne Trestrail
Gizmos and gifts for yourself and your state-of-the-art friends
The Sears Tower of Power
by Donald R. Katz
The world’s tallest building stands as fitting testament to one of the boldest transformations in business history.
Journal: Confessions of a Shipping Clerk
by Hillel Levin, editor
With a position of trust comes the power of intrusion.
by David Jackson
When the inspectors flunk inspection; the courteous columnist
by Henry Hanson
Red Heat stems up street; painted women hang at Art Institute; film festival honors everyone.
Space: Loss of Nerve
by M.W. Newman
Chicago makes no little plans, and not enough big ones.
Execs: Out of the Wilderness
by Mark Jannot
Tortoise eats hare: the Outside story
Books: Letting Go
In Jan Novak’s new novel there is a belief that anarchy is needed in this life.
Movies: Bad Guys in High Places
by Penelope Mesic
Making Dennis Quaid earnest is easy, but everybody’s down and out in No Way Out.
Theatre: Pale Fire
by Bob Daily
Lanford Wilson’s Burn This is ignited by John Malkovich
Back Talk
by Henry Hanson
Skybox hopping with Don Reuben; dessert with Ardis Krainik; aquavit with a big Swede
Chicago Guides