
Who Makes What
Edited by Graham Meyer
Chicago‘s roundup of area paychecks is back, naming names and giving dollar amounts for more than 250 sports figures, business people, government workers, creative types, and more. We’ve also got the scoop on Michael Jordan and on Obama’s campaign staff. Check it out—you know you’re curious.

Many Happy Returns
by Shane Tritsch
Chicago teamed with researchers from The Winner’s Circle to identify 50 top local financial advisers. By serving up savvy investment advice and always putting the interests of their clients first, these pros deliver.  

American Gigolo
by Richard Babcock
Fifty years ago, Johnny Stompanato was stabbed to death in the pink bedroom of his lover, the movie goddess Lana Turner. Now a writer—who, like Johnny, grew up in rural Woodstock, Illinois—follows Stompanato’s fading trail to find out how this son of the Midwest ended up at the heart of one of Hollywood’s most notorious scandals. 

The Shining
Edited by Cassie Walker and Nora O’Donnell
She’s Michelle Obama’s favorite designer, and Oprah Winfrey recently wore a long leather skirt of hers to a premie`re. Next up for Maria Pinto, her A-list clients, and her sexy, elegant fashions is a new home of their own in a West Loop boutique.

At Home: A Simple Plan
by Christine Newman
When this young couple decided to build a modern house in Bucktown with the architect Mark Peters, they started with two lots. Eventually they bought a third, to save the view of the leafy green tree next door. Now their children have great places to go inside and out, up, down, and all around.




PAGE TWO Obama turns Rezko’s lemons into lemonade; stealing Sunstein ARTS & CULTURE Debauchery with Schadenfreude; The Blip has a crush on Amy Sedaris; a playwright’s call from a ghost; Laurie Anderson rocks free speech; the photographer who extends time; four women who kick ass; John Cusack’s underwear; Irvin Mayfield and all that jazz SERVICE DESK Applying to a CPS elementary school next year for your child? Well, don’t move until you read this primer on navigating the often confusing and stress-producing process. Plus: Shopping for energy STYLE Find inspiration—we did when we saw these five works by local artists, all bound for Art Chicago; man bags that break the mold; eco-fashion in Fulton Market. PLUS: Sales Check

The second coming of Schwa; the hottest restaurants right now; puttin’ on the rillettes; The Blackstone scores tapas.

by Sarah Preston
Show us the way to the next whiskey bar—and other no-fuss spots.

by Christine Newman
After an intensive and costly restoration, with its centen-nial only two years away, the legendary Blackstone hotel is back in business. Let’s dance again in the classic Crystal Ballroom. 

Deal Estate
by Dennis Rodkin
A special green edition features an energy-efficient house and three city condo projects


The Closer
by Jeff Ruby
Examining Chicago’s odds of  snaring the 2016 Olympics, factoring in thongs, apathy, and Coolio

Chicago Guide®
Your handbook to what’s going on around town  Larger-than-life Darger; local son Charles Simic; dancing about trash

The definitive guide to Chicago’s top restaurants. Sepia adds more glitz to the West Loop; real-deal Mexican street food in Humboldt Park