Ten years after the finale of the Peabody-winning TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000—in which a peanut gallery of comedians subjected movies of questionable merit to snark-soaked running commentary—the original cast is back with a new name, Cinematic Titanic, and a new DVD series featuring more of the same. Bonus: The troupe is taking the trash talk on the road, delivering live voiceover alongside screenings of such bombs as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (above, with narration by CT). Think of it as an alternative to watching It’s a Wonderful Life for the one millionth time.
Dec 18 at 7:30; Dec 19, 20 at 7:30 and 10:30. $35. Lakeshore Theater, 3175 N Broadway. 773-472-3492.
Photograph: Courtesy of Cinematic Titanic