EVENT STUDIO takes 10 percent off all wedding invitation orders this month. 2027 W. Division St.; 773-227-1122, eventstudiochicago.com
HANDMADE MARKET returns with goods from more than 30 Chicago-based designers on Feb. 13th. The Empty Bottle, 1035 N. Western Ave.; 773-276-3600
LISSA ON MAXWELL offers deep discounts on fall and winter merchandise this month. 729 W. Maxwell St.; 312-563-9470, lissaonmaxwell.com
NIKA LE BUTIK takes up to 75 percent off everything at its annual Valentine’s Day sale on Feb. 13th. 143 N. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge; 847-696-1700, nikabutik.com
PRETTY CITY offers $59 massages, facials, and more at local spas and salons this month in honor of its annual “Love You” campaign. Check prettycity.com/love for details.
PRETTY IN PILSEN holds its Valentine event with 15 percent off red and pink items from Kate Boggiano and Objets d’Envy on Feb. 11th. RSVP to kate@kateboggiano.com. Kate Boggiano, 2150 S. Canalport Ave., 3rd floor; 866-388-3501
PUMP hosts its Shoe Per Bowl Party sale, in honor of Super Bowl XLIV, on Feb. 6th with an additional 44 percent off all sale merchandise. 1659 W. Division St.; 773-384-6750, pumpshoeschicago.com
RENEW SPA offers discounts on massages, spa packages, manicures, pedicures, facials, and more to those who mention “Sales Check” this month. 980 N. Michigan Ave., 2nd floor; 312-526-3891, renewspachicago.com
REVISION HOME holds its second-ever weekend sale with new winter merchandise Feb. 19th through 21st and by appointment. 2132 W. Fulton St.; 312-226-2221, revisionchicago.com
WOLFBAIT & B-GIRLS holds a Sara Broadstreet jewelry trunk show Feb. 7th. 3131 W. Logan Blvd.; 312-698-8685, wolfbaitchicago.com