Grasshopper at the Heavy Feather, $10

What's in it Cognac, crème de menthe, crème de cacao, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream
The verdict Sip. It’s like a Shamrock Shake that’s been spiked but won’t knock you down.
Want to make it yourself?
Doug Phillips of the Heavy Feather shares his recipe:
½ oz. | Cognac |
½ oz. | Green crème de menthe |
½ oz. | White crème de menthe |
½ oz. | Dark crème de cacao |
1 | Big ol’ scoop (6 oz.) of vanilla ice cream |
Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. Top with whipped cream.
Garrett’s Old Fashioned at Broken Shaker, $13
What's in it Popcorn cordial, Old Forester bourbon, Mellow Corn whiskey, cheese-fat bitters
The verdict Skip. You’ll need a shot of Malört to erase the salty tang of the bitters.

Some Days Last a Long Time at Lost Lake, $12
What's in it Scotch, sherry, coconut, lemon, absinthe
The verdict Sip. Coconut nicely mellows out the smoky Scotch and potent absinthe.
Peace Frog at GreenRiver, $19
What's in it Rhum agricole, Cynar, amontillado sherry, Batavia arrack, black trumpet mushroom, mirin
The verdict Skip. This “earthy” mess couldn’t taste any funkier if it contained handfuls of dirt.