Photo: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP; Illustration: Gluekit
David Schwimmer emerges from his post-Friends hideaway to direct this noirish thriller by Keith Huff (A Steady Rain, House of Cards) at the Lookingglass Theatre.
6/19–8/11 David Schwimmer directs Keith Huff’s (A Steady Rain, House of Cards) noir-infused thriller about shady characters including crooked coroners, femmes fatales, and a guy with a screwdriver stuck in his head. With two local celebrities on the case, this is sure to be a local blockbuster. $36–$70. Lookingglass Theatre, 821 N Michigan. lookingglasstheatre.org.

Photo: Courtesy of the estate of Gordon Matta-Clark and Rhona Hoffman Gallery
The antiestablishment legacy of this jack-of-all-trades lives on, decades after his death. See his radical art at Rhona Hoffman Gallery.
6/14–7/26 In the 1970s, the massively influential Gordon Matta-Clark helped run a restaurant called Food, noted for unusual ingredients and as a hangout for the avant-garde. This exhibit, curated by his daughter, includes artworks from the Food period. 118 N Peoria. rhoffmangallery.com.

Photo: Crackerfarm
Watch out, Mumford & Sons. This Grammy-winning old-timey string band is on the rise. Catch it at City Winery.
6/24–25 Combining keening fiddle, clattering banjo, jangling guitar, and exuberant singing, this trio updates the sound of old-time Southern string bands with virtuosity and intensity. 6/24: At 6:30; free. Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park, Michigan and Washington. millenniumpark.org. 6/25: At 8; $22–$30. City Winery, 1200 W Randolph. citywinery.com.

Photo: Max Esposito
This modern dance troupe shows off its prop mastery in ASCENDance, a new work in which dancers duet with massive origami-like set pieces, at the Athenaeum Theatre.
6/21–22 Imagine a duet for a dancer and giant origami. Video is projected on huge creased-paper sculptures by the artist Barbara Cooper as they fold and unfold, breathing like bodies, in the arms of the dancers. At 7:30. $15–$30. Athenaeum Theatre, 2936 N Southport. athenaeumtheatre.org.

Photo: Tina Tyrell
This slick synth-heavy musician and author—his forthcoming futuristic novel inspired his new album—opens up to audiences at Metro on his True Story tour. June 1.
6/1 The grab-bag chillwave artist (and author) opens up on his Confess tour, telling a personal story about each city he stops in. At 9. $17–$19. 3730 N Clark. metrochicago.com.