Fun Fitness
Burn out. Blah. The rut. Sooner or later it hits everyone who treads the treadmill or works the weight room. So we went out and found some remedies-dozens of lively sports, classes, and activities that will get your heart rate up and keep you coming back for more. Whether you prefer snowshoeing or synchronized swimming, you’re sure to feel the burn-and you’ll be having such a blast you won’t mind a bit.
Devil’s Advocate, by Steve Rhodes
Over the past few decades, Ed Genson has represented defendants in some of Chicago’s highest profile criminal cases, from corrupt politicos and mobsters in the seventies and eighties to the likes of R. Kelly and Scott Fawell more recently. Arguably the city’s leading defense lawyer, Genson remains on top of his legal game-dazzling juries, infuriating prosecutors, and doing whatever it takes to gain advantage for his clients.
Raw Power, by Dennis Ray Wheaton
Ten years ago, sushi qualified as exotic. Now it’s on a roll: With so many Japanese restaurants popping up around Chicago, who can keep them all straight? We can. Here, our sushi-loving critic polishes up his chopsticks and picks the 15 best places in town.
Fashion: Return of the Native and Haute Retro, by Stacey Jones
This spring, designers reconnect with bold bohemian prints inspired by Africa and India-safari now in something wild. Or flash back to the playful days of mid-century modern and zoom in pouffy skirts, slinky silhouettes, and sleek clutches in juicy fruit colors.
Local writer Amy Krauss Rosenthal pens a memoir; social entrepreneur Jim Slama believes organic farming can thrive as a business; Paula Kamen writes about the headache that never went away; About Face Theatre’s Eric Rosen emerges as a powerhouse producer; Victoria Lautman chats with the prolific novelist and controversial essayist Francine Prose; a special event commemorates ten years’ worth of outstanding Chicagoans. Plus: Style Sheet, The Shopper and Sales Check
How We Spend, by Clare La Plante
How well do Chicagoans sleep? Surprisingly soundly, says one survey. How green is our thumb? Apparently we Midwesterners like to plant-without digging too deep. Plus: Exploring the depths of our seafood spending ways
Crime | Dust Buster, by Jonathan Black
By sweating the small stuff, Skip Palenik, who turned a boyhood obsession with dust into a career as a forensic microscopist, has helped authorities convict some of the era’s biggest criminals.
Reporter | Street Fighting Men, by Lydialyle Gibson
Preservation Chicago does not play nice when it comes to fighting to save the city’s historic buildings. And although critics complain that it tries to landmark mediocre buildings, the group’s feisty ways have gotten results.
Deal Estate, by Dennis Rodkin
The late Gene Siskel’s condo-complete with high-tech movie theatre-sells for $6.2 million; parkside condo costs in Chicago and elsewhere. Plus: Other housing news from the city and suburbs
Nightspotting, by Sarah Preston
The recently opened Union Park, the latest offering from the owners of SoPo, is a comfortable neighborhood bar in the gentrifying West Loop. And we preview Jet Vodka Lounge, the city’s first and only vodka bar.
The Closer, by Jeff Ruby
You call this place the City That Works? You could have fooled us. Just try washing your hands at the airport sometime.
On the Town
During March: In 17th-century London, Shakespeare’s plays held audiences in thrall. Half a world away, Japan’s Kabuki theatre was doing the same. This month, Chicago Shakespeare Theatre weds the two genres in Kabuki Macbeth, conceived by Zen master Shozo Sato.
Marquee: A preview of coming attractions
Food & Drink
The city’s definitive guide to Chicago’s top restaurants| This month: Ten new and updated listings, including Bank Land Bistro, Carlos’ and Tweet
Dish: The ten hottest restaurants right now; a recipe from a promising new spot; openings, closings, dining news; more