Bill Daley

AGE: 63
OCCUPATION: Cochair, Obama 2012

Yes, he quit his job as Obama’s chief of staff in November. But he’s still a Daley. And however he re-enters Chicago’s orbit—at the moment, he’s hard at work on his old boss’s reelection campaign—his potential for rising on this list seems virtually limitless.

MORE ON DALEY: Brother Bill: A Look at William Daley | In the Situation Room with Obama, Bill Daley Dressed for the Occasion | Bill Daley’s Battered Résumé | Bill Daley: A Better Banker than Chief of Staff? | Newt Gingrich, Bill Daley, and the Dirtiest Word in Politics | Bill Daley's Rough Term as White House Chief of Staff Is Over

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Photograph: Nancy Stone/Chicago Tribune