Antonio Perez/Chicago Tribune

Last night the Sun-Times broke the story that Chicago Public Schools' planned school closings—the final list is due in ten days—would be massive, possibly the largest at any one time in U.S. history, and about half the number that have been closed in the previous ten years in Chicago.

And the schools are starting to leak. We confirmed with Ald. Howard Brookins (21st ward), that the first two schools to leak, Mahalia Jackson Elementary and Garrett A. Morgan Elementary in Auburn-Gresham, would be closing.

Now DNAInfo has a list of leaks, some of which are schools that won't be closed. Staring with those and using data from, I wanted to take a look at the sort of school that's being closed—the data profile, basically.

Utilization: 47 percent (by CPS's formula, which is controversial)
% Meeting or exceeding state standards, reading: 73
% Meeting or exceeding state standards, math: 69
% Low income: 91
% Black: 65
% Hispanic: 29
% White: 2
Enrollment decline since 2000/2001: 43%

Update: Via my colleague Emmet Sullivan and Ald. Fioretti's office:

Calhoun North (Level 2) will close and the students will go to Cather (Level 1).

Herbert will close (Level 3) but the Dett school (Level 2) will move into the Herbert building.

King will close (Level 3), and the students will move into Jensen (Level 1).

Dodge will close (Level 2) and the students will move into Morton (Level 1).

Montefiore will stay open (Level 3), and be the receiving school for the students at Buckingham (Level 3) and Near North (Level 3). [Note: Montefiore, Buckingham, and Near North are all special-ed schools.]

Brown will not close (Level 3, high ratings from parent/student/teacher surveys).

Mayo will close (Level 3).

Smyth will stay open (Level 3).

They have not shown the new attendance boundaries. 

Update 2: From Amanda Sims, some new info from sources in the 20th ward community:

Ross Elementary (Level 3) will close and those students will shift to Dulles (Level 3), which will become a turnaround school.

William W. Carter Elementary (Level 3) will become a turnaround school. 

Fiske Elementary (Level 2) is closing; those students will go to Sexton (Level 2); Sexton will take Fiske’s name and become an International Baccalaureate (IB) school.


The Sun-Times has a rolling list that includes some not in the DNAInfo report; it also appears that May Academy will be closing.

A lot of this information is going to be rolling out on Twitter. @dustbag44 has created a Google map, sourced from Raise Your HandCatalyst, and DNAInfo. As previously mentioned, here are two sites that are vital to understanding what's going on.

* Mahalia Jackson (Level 3, 40% utilized)

* William H. King (Level 3, 43%)

* Garrett A. Morgan (Level 3, 31%)

* Horatio May Academy (Level 3, 45%)

* Calhoun Elementary (Level 2, 46%; moving)

* Moses Montefiore Special Elementary School (Level 3, 13%)

* Victor Herbert Elementary (Level 3, 44%)

* Mayo Elementary (Level 3, 59%)

* Delano Elementary (Level 2, 37%)

* Bethune Elementary (Level 3, 48%)

It's worth noting that it's more complicated than "closings":

For instance, one AUSL school is moving to another; neither was on the CPS list.

Update: CPS has been quiet, although the final list is expected later today. They did announce that 13 new STEM programs, five new International Baccalaureate programs, and a fine arts program will be "implemented in 19 welcoming schools starting next fall."