* Over at Grid Chicago, Steven Vance reports from the final Bloomingdale Trail public meeting (there's still time to submit comments), bringing back details on privacy screens, terminus designs, and more; there's some Q&A in the comments about future expansion past Ashland. The full slide set of the presentation gives a good sense of what it will look like in terms of the city landscape.
For instance, the Milwaukee Avenue bridge as seen from the Blue Line:

Churchill Park:

1800 N. Ashland:

Near St. Louis Avenue:

Even for people who won't use it, it'll still improve aspects of the landscape.
* Just awesome: "Kill Yr Idols: Why does Chicago hate statues?" An extraordinarly detailed bit of detective work into the whereabouts of city statuary, from the Haymarket Police Memorial to Fountain Girl.
* Sudhir Venkatesh on how the feds are killing community policing:
In fact, with feds and local cops increasing their collaborations and seeking funding to expand their joint investigations, we may be seeing the end of “community policing” as we’ve known it. In the short run, this has been a good thing, since crime has grown more complex and stiff federal penalties are often necessary deterrents. But in the long run, it’s shaping up to be the biggest challenge to liberal governance and local autonomy that we’ve seen in some time.
* In Chicago, David Lepeska looks back at years of promise and asks if Chicago's tech bump can become a boom. Meanwhile, Alexis Madrigal asks if Detroit's tech scene can get off the ground.