For a brief but wild time in the twenties and thirties, an openly gay culture thrived in Chicago—a period historians call the “Pansy Craze.” Nightclubs and cabarets drew crowds of homosexuals, lesbians, and voyeurs—among them, sociologists who dutifully recorded the proceedings. Recently rediscovered recollections from that era have landed the city in the forefront of the small but popular field of gay historical research. Read more
Six Chicago artists—two emerging, two established, two mid-career—garnering attention today. Read more
Designs for the holiday season's main events are simply chic and sensationally smashing—let's celebrate. Read more
Chicago is full of restaurants that offer good food for not much money; you just have to know where to look. We've gathered a definitive package of 90-plus great spots—ethnic, classic, nocturnal, and otherwise—where your dollar goes the distance. Read more
Two decades after the state supreme court went to extraordinary lengths to reject him, Edward Loss finally became a lawyer in Illinois—completing his triumph over a troubled past and closing a bitter chapter that shook the court. Read more
Despite a recent crash, the medical transport helicopter team at the U. of C. Hospitals is among the nation's leaders in safety and has rescued hundreds. Still, some critics say the skies are becoming too crowded. Read more