Eric Ferguson, who cohosts the morning show on WTMX The Mix with Kathy Hart, sold his Lincoln Park home Tuesday.

Ferguson and his wife, Jennifer, sold the 11-room house for $2.63 million. They had been asking $2.995 million since putting the 6,000-square-foot house on the market in February. The sale price is 87 percent of what the Fergusons had been asking for the six-bedroom, seven-bathroom home.

The couple did sell the residence for 7 percent more than it cost them eight years ago. In September 2004, they paid $2.45 million for the then-new brick and limestone house.

The home was built by a firm whose principal, Seth M. Harris, was sentenced to 60 months in federal prison in December 2010 for defrauding a bank over construction loans. Although those loans were connected to Lincoln Park properties, the Ferguson house was not one of them.

At the time he sold the house, Harris told me that it was being built speculatively when the Fergusons came along. “It turned into a customization real quick,” he said. The lot is extra wide—30 feet, compared to the city standard of 25—which meant, Harris said, that “you can get a lot of daylight into [the] house.”

The house that stood on this lot prior to construction of the Ferguson home was owned by the hair salon entrepreneur Mario Tricoci, and his wife, Traci; they sold it to Harris’s limited liability company in 2003 for $762,500.

In the past, Ferguson has declined to talk with Deal Estate, and his listing agent, Joanne Nemerovski, is on the record as unwilling to discuss the home. Nemerovski also sold the couple’s prior home.