With a slew of weddings approaching before summer’s end, I am flummoxed over what to wear—and I don’t think I’m alone. There’s something about summer nuptials that can put most women into a panic.

The dress has to fit the following criteria:

1. It can't be white.

2. It has to be comfortable and light enough to withstand the summer heat while dancing.

3. It can’t be too flashy or sexy—you don’t want to take attention from the bride, right?

After all of this, to find a flattering and fun dress to wear can be a bit like trying to find a four-leaf clover. But, luckily, I found mine.

After combing the racks, I came across this gem by Carven. The shade of burgundy is beautiful, the lace is breathable, and like all Carven dresses, the fit is super-flattering.

And the best part is that it will even work with a cardigan and stockings come fall, long after the sappy toasts and wedding cakes fade into memory.

$1,275 at saksfifthavenue.com