Socks are one of those too-oft-neglected fashion accessories for men. It’s understandable. After all, unless you’re sitting next to someone at a meeting or belly up to a bar on a stool who’s going to see them? Ah, but when they do, and they’re socks as sophisticated, dapper, and whimsical as those from Nigel Knox Socks, you are making a statement about attention to detail that can be as impressive as a great suit. Made in Italy, but with a British sensibility, all of the Knox socks are made from either Pima cotton, Merino wool, or cashmere. I liked the Captain Bellamy Skull & Bones pair. They are enough to pull up the trousers and give a peek. The name alone is a conversation starter. Arrr.

$29.50 each at Crème de la Crème, 903 Green Bay Rd., 847-446-2228, or at