Related: Top Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Doctors

Don’t Run in Old Shoes

Mark A. Neault, orthopedic surgeon, Advocate Condell Medical Center

“Running shoes break down after 300 miles — 500 at the most. And watch the surface you’re running on: Concrete sidewalks mean more impact than asphalt, which is more impact than a school track or a crushed-stone path. I see a lot of runners, and they are very good cardio athletes but don’t spend much time strength training. You need to balance the muscles around the knee and work on your quads, hamstrings, and hip muscles.”

Stop Sleeping Like a Baby

Sonya P. Agnew, hand surgeon, Loyola University Medical Center

“People tend to sleep in a fetal position where their wrists are curled. If you are experiencing some numbness and tingling in your fingers, particularly at night, put a brace on the wrist to keep it in a neutral position while you sleep. That can really be helpful for preventing the worsening of carpal tunnel syndrome.”

Stretch Your Hammy … Correctly

Craig Westin, orthopedic surgeon, Illinois Bone & Joint Institute

“If you have pain in your lower back or in the front of your knee, a tight hamstring makes both worse. But stop trying to stretch it by touching your toes. Sit forward on the edge of a chair, with the heel of the leg that you’re stretching on a small lift — maybe a stair or a small ottoman — in front of you, with your knee straight. Arch your back. By locking your spine and pushing your chest forward, you tip the pelvis and pull the hamstrings carefully, slowly.”