If you don’t know what you want, Adam AbuHamdan will have a suggestion (on my first trip: chai latte with almond milk, which he let me sample first). If you do know and he doesn’t have it, tell him — your idea just might become a permanent fixture. Wheelys opened four months before the pandemic and was just starting to catch on before COVID became a literal buzzkill. (How likely were you to do curbside pickup for a single cup of coffee in April 2020?) But AbuHamdan, a certified Super Nice Guy, adapted by listening to customers and adding small pleasures to the menu at their command, including flights with four seven- or nine-ounce cups of joe ($7.50, on the sweetness continuum from straight cold brew to pistachio latte) and 42-ounce glass bottles refillable with chilled lattes, mochas, and smoothies ($10, plus a one-time $4 fee for the bottle). As someone recently joked on Facebook: “Nice. Next a coffee IV?” If enough people want it … 21 S. La Grange Rd., La Grange