Nelson Algren turned Wicker Park into an unforgettable literary setting, but the neighborhood today is Chicago’s premier literary destination. Take the Blue Line to the six corners at Damen, North, and Milwaukee, check out Algren’s haunts and his last residence here (1958 W. Evergreen Ave.), then spend the afternoon browsing in one of the highest concentrations of bookstores in the city. Start at Quimby’s (1854 W. North Ave.), with its unparalleled collection of zines and graphic novels, and then get lost in the labyrinth of Myopic (1564 N. Milwaukee Ave.), the most exhaustive used books collection in town. For new releases, head south on Milwaukee to the new location of Volumes Bookcafe (1373 N. Milwaukee Ave.), where you can also grab a cup of coffee and flip through your recent purchases. Close out your sojourn by cutting right on Paulina to Division and roaming around Semicolon Bookstore (1714 W. Division St.), a Black-woman-owned shop with an expert curation of contemporary recommendations.