Immaculately preserved gowns worn by the great Khaleesi? Sculptures of spread-winged baby dragons? Furniture and tableware that survived the Red Wedding? Not quite. The Deering Family Galleries of Medieval and Renaissance Art, Arms, and Armor at the Art Institute of Chicago doesn’t ply in faux Game of Thrones artifacts. It offers something far more magical: a dimly lit rotunda — dark as a troll’s lair — filled with priceless real-life treasures. It’s a celebration of the lost art of blacksmithing and ironwork, complete with elaborately etched tournament helms, richly inlaid breastplates, and towering broadswords that would make even William Wallace blush. Touchscreen kiosks reveal the exquisite craftsmanship required to fire, forge, and hammer these pieces into existence. Plus, the exhibit explores the pomp and peculiarities of chivalric tournaments, the status games played at royal courts, and the brutal military campaigns that bloodied Europe for centuries and ultimately inspired George R.R. Martin’s grand mythology. 111 S. Michigan Ave., Loop
Learn About the Real Game of Thrones at the Art Institute of Chicago